Friday, December 24, 2010

Block a facebook User

Block a facebook User.(fesbuk). Do You want to black list someone on facebook?
All right, same time we ever had a bad friend. Now You can block or black list them in order you can feel comfortable to use fesbuk. Read First :

Block a facebook User
Follow the step bellow :

Sign in on Facebook first.

Block a facebook User

1. On the Top Right side Account tab, Select Settings> Privacy settings.

2. Bottom there is a box and please enter name of the person who will be blocked (can who've become friends or not friends). You can block them by using his name or email.

3. Enter the button : Block This User.

Now, enjoy and happy forever on fesbuk.

Other Topics:

How to Quit a Facebook Group

How to Quit a Facebook group. Yes I want leave a certain uncomfortable group from fesbuk.
Have we ever felt uncomfortable in a group? or We frequently get Emails like SPAM like that?
Read Chat On fesbuk by group first.

Facebook Group
Well then we'd love to get out of the Group is in Group fesbuk that we follow.
Facebook tricks to get out of a group are:

Make sure you have been in the page group would you remove from your list.
Enter Leave botton to Exit from the Group menu in the upper right page.

Then will come out the confirmation box, Are you sure want to leave this group? This will also prevent members from re-adding you.

If you ever want to rejoin, visit the group and click Ask to Join Group.
Then Choose "Leave Group" Botton if it will come out of the group.

So, Try it!

Other Topics :

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chat On fesbuk by group

Chat On fesbuk by group.
Fesbuk (Facebook) provide benefits one of which is to chat up. This can only be a private chat or one by one at a time only. But now there are facilities where users can chat togather in a group. You can make small groups among users of Facebook, which is on your friends list. So it's not a big group where everyone can join. This is the group that only we can make with friends on our friends list. Well it's rather difficult to explain.

To avoid confusion please direct practice below:
1. Please go
2. Then create a group for example called: colleague.
3. Group settings can be made open, closed or secret.
4. Add friends you want to enter in the group.

Once completed you can chat with all friends which was included in the group. Besides it can also share the status, image etc in the page group earlier. If the set is closed then one can read only those listed in the group, your other friend can not read the contents.

It's just a chat group (such as in MILIS) The Important Things you should know to keep COMFORTABLE FESBUK FACILITIES these are attantion, please.

- This group will generate a notification if any new posts or comments in the group
- If you are disturbed by such notification then you can make arrangements through the panel EDIT SETTINGS / Edit SETTINGS, then Change the setting "Notify me Pls / Let me know if" to "ONLY POST I AM SUBSRIBED TO / SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGES ONLY.
- Setting at this point and the only turn off the notification group does not make you leave the chat group. But if you want to get out of this chat group you can exit through the panel on the right Leave GROUP / OUT OF GROUP

CONFERENCE (Group chat)
If you are Online CHAT then you can chat in a CONFERENCE with fellow party members who are online, although not yet be Friean your FB. (BELOW RIGHT)

You can send comments, topic / new THREAD, photos, videos, etc.. (Read:The Spirit Fesbuk)

Commenting PACKAGES
if you want to comment on posts, after writing your comment and then PRESS ENTER to next to.

you can also invite friends to join the panel on the right to ADD FRIENDS GROUP / ADD SOME FRIENDS TO GROUPS.


It make more comfortable with fesbuk !!!

Next On Fesbuk :

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Facebook & Skype Create Video Call ?

Facebook & Skype Create Video Call ?

Hello Fesbuk Mania,
Facebook & Skype strengthen cooperation to facilitate the fesbuk user to use contact with the video and sound.

Facebook users will be mengirimka short messages, chat, and video chat with their friends via the Skype network. The news circulating the cooperation will be realized this week.

Facebook & Skype

If implemented, this is a new threat to Google, which now continues to build its own social networking platform that Google's Gmail Buzz. ComScore survey results for August show, American Internet users spent over 41.1 billion minutes to use up. Lower figure that is 39.8 billion minutes of fiddling with Google.

Party up and Skype has not been willing to comment on this. However, citing sources who were directly involved in this partnership, the Wall Street Journal said, the certainty they join the end result can be seen from the Skype program development 5. Skype is free Internet telephone network provider to fellow Skype. Skype also provides communications services to a home phone or cell phone with very cheap rates.

If this is realized, it means either good news the fesbuk mania to contact his friend could use the video call which is very cheap cost. (Read: The benefits of Facebook )

Another Source:

The Other Topics:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Spirit Fesbuk

Spirit Fesbuk - It's hopefully today and so on.

Wake up go to Facebook (fesbuk), eating remember fesbuk, want to go to sleep soundly once to see the status of fesbuk, opening fesbuk before going to somewhere, who knows companions send a good news.

How do you fesbuk? Fesbuk does give a different spirit from the other. I love fesbuk. Where to go where I always remembered my fesbuk. Probably I never forget that fesbuk been victorious in a long time. And the fact fesbuk hit in most people in all the world indeed.

With my fesbuk I can find a new friends. With my fesbuk, I excited to face life that was once deserted. Void now been remedied. So, if you want get a friend can go to find friends on fesbuk with similar profession, and find the meaning of life and the socialization of social media on fesbuk.

For the owner business, fesbuk like a new inspiration effective and efficient marketing. Various applications that support several business we meet in fesbuk. Oh,.. you really outstanding benefits for you "fesbuk". My business so smoothly with very effective now. Open the email directly from fesbuk, ads from fesbuk, check the news, find friend via fesbuk, also find a soulmate,... are you,..

VIVA FOREVER spirit fesbuk !

Monday, November 1, 2010

Facebooker and Narcissist

Facebooker and Narcissist.
Facebook is a medium for sharing among friends, to express life, whether it be the message content, stories, photos, audio, and video. if the expression is said narcissist is a reasonable due to facebook is the easiest to use media to show these expressions.
Are you constantly updating your Facebook status?

A few weeks ago a number of researchers from various universities to publish its findings related fecebooker narcissistic attitude, such as a study conducted Soraya Mehdizadeh, researchers from York University, Canada, users are constantly updating up tend narcissistic. Mehdizadeh said, for those narcissistic, up really help them control how they see friends or people they want.

Facebookers and Narcissist
In his study, Mehdizadeh surveying 100 participants aged 18 to 25 years about the use of Facebook. After that, they were given psychological tests to determine how much they seek the attention of people and considered himself important. As a result, there is a positive relationship between level kenarsisan identified through test results, with how frequently participants check their Facebook accounts, so the conclusion the more frequent checking the facebook account that is increasingly him Narcissist? if the views of respondents used age 18-25 years, then 100 percent no matter their narcissistic is reasonable. Well if all this fair?
As long as not too negative, having positive impact and run socialization well then Narcissist seems no problem.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The benefits of Facebook

The benefits of FacebookWhat are the benefits of facebook?
There are common opinion The benefits of Facebook. Most of them are free to get the benefits below. (blog ref: fesbuk)

1. Facebook originally created to make a friendship.
2. Find a friend in the world by typing the name and crosscheck the photo.
3. Good to be placed an ads, because the traffic really huge.
4. To share opinion with others.
5. To make a group or a certain community.
6. To promote a blog.
7. To make an event.
8. To blow up the campain.
9. To Play a game. Such as Restaurant City, Farm ville, Bejeweled Blitz, World Challenge, Mavia war etc.
10. To chat with friends.
11. Sending Email.
12. Sending sms.

You can add the other benefits that they are not mentioned yet. Enjoy with facebook.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Understanding Blocking a user on Facebook

Do you ever block a friend from your list of Facebook ? For some reasons, Because of disturbing you. A lot of people ask how do I block an unwelcome, indeed this is could be done in a way that is easy and has no article here. But many beginner up to block people consider it the same as making up they can not be opened (login) ! It's wrong interpretation.

Wow .. if so how great, we could be a Facebook admin get rid of people we do not like to go around. Just imagine if this happened, about how the condition up now? Probably more than 40% of its members blocked due to ignorance of others.

Than, what it means to be disabled?
So the story, we only block certain people to find and view your account up for us. So if we block people who were looking for us, consequently she would never find the account up for us again, unless he borrowed the account up for her friend to find us. Perhaps this includes total blockage and in fact there are also blocking others, such as blocking so that only certain people can not see the data ourselves or our latest status even though he had entered the list of our friend on Facebook.

However We are not the admin Facebook that can do everything we want.
How do they can Threatening us?
When suddenly there are people who are not happy with us, they are happy to block us from up and so we lose up the facebook account.

So what can I do when I have friends who always disturb up to me and kept me with harsh words and tagging me in the pictures are not clear or porn?

If so, that person can be reported to team up with allegations of assault us. Or other things about stating the person is violating what's in the rules up, as is too often ad or spamming on our Facebook.

How do I report these people?
Please enter the page of people who want to be blocked, see the bottom left and select "report / block this person" (report this person.) Please select a category and a little message about your complaint. Once you sent later will be reviewed by the facebook team. If it was proven violation , that person will be blocked, and his Facebook account may be banned also, or people are just turned off some features only depend on their offense. (Read first : Tips for safe use Facebook)

Understanding it How to Block a user-ers on Facebook. Enjoy with Facebook now. (From fesbuk-ers)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Do Many Poker Chips Lost

Why Do Many Poker Chips Lost.
Certainly, you are already familiar with this one game. Very popular even to most of all fesbuk-ers. Poker Texas chip Holdem Poker is an application developed by external parties (third party) on Facebook, which already has more than 2 million fans in the pages of fans, I thing. The real number to be even more maybe. Since the number of application users certainly invite poker hands of ignorant who want to enrich themselves to commit fraud such as hacking and phishing for action can take the user should chip. This of course is prohibited and illegal.

Poker Chips

Poker Chips can be lost because of several reasons bellow:

1. User error
Your Account can not be set up safely. The most common is to include email and date of birth that can be viewed. Where the email and date of birth is the login used to log into Facebook. Of course this makes up for an account accessible to people and then you chip looted and disappeared.

Note that should not include email and date of birth, it is better do not to use birth dates as a passwords.

2. Error application developers
Developers are not able to protect and maintain their applications running properly, within the meaning of the error, troubleshooting, hacking and other things that interfere with the application that causes the chip to disappear.

3. Because of Cyber Crimes. Such as Hacking, Phishing, or other illegal activities on internet.

Then pertannyaannya case Losing Poker Chip on facebook:
How do I restore a poker chip in the hack?
How I lost my poker chips?
How does poker chips how to let me get back?

Essentially all asking how to restore a poker chip in the hack / lost confused

Based on Help up / help /? Faq = 14 360 we can get the information that:

Facebook does not develop a poker application and can not help you restore any loss of poker chips. This application was developed and operated by external developers who use their own technical resources, and Facebook can not grant to access the data.

From the information above. Explaining that it was not their responsibility. The things that happen in the application are the responsibility of the developer / owner of the application.

If it still loss the Poker Chips, please contact the developer application, please contact the Third party. If still missing as well, so never mind playing other games only.

Other Info abou Face book:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to use facebook

How to use facebook:
Do you want to add friend / find old friends you ???
Please create a facebook. Although already have an account on Friendster, less complete if it had not facebook. The advantage is, can chat with Facebook friends are online. Cool is not it?
ref blog : fesbuk
How can be seen below:

Knowing the features on Facebook
The main feature on Facebook is a feature that is above, namely Home, Profile, account (which contains the following: edit friends, account settings, privacy settings, application settings, help center, out), Order Entry, your name, friends who are online. You can change with Indonesian, if difficulty with English. Because up to provide Indonesian as a language up. Following a brief review of the main features of Facebook.

1. Home
- To view the status / whatever new activity by your friends, like Home on Friendster. Here you can also see the request addressed to you, you can also update your status. It is located on the top right.

2. Profile
- Click to view your profile, as in FS. on the left is information about you in the form of photographs, websites, friends, videos (if any) and collection of photos (if any) Tips on How to Operate up
- In the middle there is a message the wall (comments) who entered, and a description of activities you just do (you can also add photos, videos and so on. On the right are no ads and groups within Facebook that appear at random.
- You see a box in the middle of reading "You're what now?" Type in your status and click send, then all your friends you will know the latest status.

3. Friends
- Click here to see all your friends. On the left there is a feature to invite your friends to join Facebook.

4. Incoming Messages
- It is a feature to view incoming messages sent from friends fellow up. There are incoming messages, sent messages, notifications, updates and writes a message.

5. Your Name
Just as the Profile.

6. Settings
- It contains account settings, privacy settings and application settings. Here the place to edit your name, email address, password (password), change the language up, etc..

7. Exit
- To get out from up your (log out). Every time after opening up, do not forget to click out. If not then you can open up people! Especially for you who open up the computer with the / cafe.

Well, I hope the above brief review can help you who do not / confused how to operate up.

Others :

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Use SMS on Facebook

How to Use SMS on Facebook .
Many people may already know that there are SMS application on this facabook. But this I inform to you for those who do not know. (ref: fesbuk)

For those of you who like to air-up fun, might have never tried an application that allows sending SMS for free using Facebook. Application called Chat SMS from your Cell Phones is very worth trying, especially for those who want to practically outdated ga up.

Immediately, we could be practiced now:

1. Login in your Facebook account.
2. Open the address
3. Pop-up window appears, click Allow
4. To display this application on your Facebook page, select the Include Into The Profile.
5. After step 4, click Keep.
6. Drag the application by dragging the application ChatSMS
7. Will appear loading. Wait until loading is complete
8. Change the country code of Singapore to Indonesia
9. Type the destination phone number without the first 0 (number 0 has been replaced by the Indonesia area code 62)
10. Write the message and click Send SMS. Completed.

On SMS Facebook page is going to contain ads of course. However, It is not a problem.

This is cool application,. You can try, and it was not just YM (Yahoo Messanger) can send SMS but facebook can also provide SMS to all operators. Previously, there Litle Free SMS but you can be a premium SMS that can send SMS with same application every day rapidly throughout the world.

Onother simple way to create SMS Tab on Facebook account are:

1. Login to your facebook
2. Go to site
3. Click the "Add our Facebook Application"
4. Then click the "Allow"
5. Click again on the "Include in profile"

So in your profile will look like this:

How to Use SMS on Facebook
You can use SMS via Facebook now. Don’t make SPAM SMS to others.

Other Topics:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Facebook

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Facebook.
Facebook always provide transparent information regarding the Rights and Responsibilities Update. Want to bring together all readers to always interact that up the latest update, so perhaps there is the use of 3rd party facilities and others that could lead to a third-party function can be changed "We think this will of help make sure people are aware of the privacy policy They are agreeing to when They use a third-party application." (Facebook)

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Facebook
Further explaining That We serve information to you (including on third party websites) to make content more relevant to you. When people visit third party sites, We do so through extensions of up, like social plugins, the which render the content directly from Facebook. For more information about social plugins.

Thus all that was updated in the privacy policy we must always understand and please read on facebook latest updates about Rights and Responsibilities of each so that we can understand very well the benefits and services facebook correctly. Please leave any comments you have by May 5:00 PM PDT on September 30, 2010. (Up).

Best regards, facebooker.

Other Info:

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Virus That Attacked Facebook

The virus that attacked facebook.
Having had a facebook account, you should take the day against the viruses that can attack your computer and facebook. Virus makers and malware creators keep trying to insert a virus in disguise to the links that are not identified as from facebook, but the link is usually a virus. But the party also had anticipated up to clean the virus, read first at . Though, facebook users is targeted reached 500 million users set by its founder Mark Zuckerberg, May. (2010 : fesbuk blog)

The virus that attacked facebook
New Virus Attacks the Computer. Beware characteristic feature!

How the story?
Koobface is the name of the trojan which recently was keen to attack up. This virus also is infiltrating spread out up to attack other social network sites like Bebo, Friendster, My Yearbook and Bebo.

Microsoft as the owner of the shares of the up do not stay silent so only against the virus known as viral up. Some removal can be easily found and downloaded for free blessing.

How To Spread Virus up?
The spread of this virus is not directly, but through emails that use the name up. Have you ever received an email from Facebook saying that your request to be friends with someone already approved? Links are provided such that you're likely to click.

When you receive an email from the virus and click on the link provided earlier, we can be sure your computer will be infected by the worm. This is because the link had been proved to be a false link that it is a worm that advise you to update Flash, but it is a virus.


Quickly Identify Characteristics The virus!
Beware if you receive a spam message such as: avert_blog_koobface if you follow the link, then actually you are being redirected to one of the various hosts that displays a fake error message from the version of Flash Player that has expired date. Next you are prompted to download / open the file flash_player.exe new.

After the computer you are infected, the virus will send a message to a friend of the owner of the infected PC. Messages sent titled: You look just awesome in This new movie that will bring the recipient to a site that asked him to download a virus that is claimed as an update of the software Flash Player from Adobe Systems.

Then, if a virus already infected on your computer, How can You do?
Do not worry, visit the official website facebook at to find the way to clean your computer so that the net of viruses. Do You Think this information important?

The other topics:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tips for safe use Facebook

Tips for safe use Facebook.
Beware with Phishing, Phishing attacks are always relying on the Internet as a medium. Phishing is a tactic designed by cyber criminals to steal someone's identity, collect victim data, and used to defraud and obtain money victims.

Phishing activity is now being threatened facebook users. Kaspersky lab has recently seen a large increase in phishing attacks on the facebook login page, gives tips for safe protection from phishing attacks. Tipsnya following:

1. Facebook password is your security
Okay, this part I started with a question, "Anyone who knows your facebook password?" Only you yourself, parents, or anyone else know?

* If only you yourselves know that facebok password, it means you have to act safely in using facebook.
* Parents also know, that's good it means you are in the proper supervision. You're so brave guns do all sorts on facebook.
* There was another person who knows besides you and your parents. Wow, you are in a less secure zone. Remember even though it was a good friend or the person nearest you nonetheless very risky. Who knows someday you quarrel with him, then he was to work on you through the facebook account. My advice, do not risk.
2. For social network sites like facebook , make a bookmark to the login page. Or typing the URL directly in the browser bar addresses :
3. Do not click on links in email messages .
4. Only typed confidential data in a secure and trusted website.
5. Check your bank account is regularly and report anything suspicious to your bank.
6. Find a giveaway sign of a phishing email.
7. Install software for secure internet surfing.
8. Update your anti virus periodically.
9. Install security patches.
10. Beware of email messages / spam received.
11. Be careful when asking for the log in administrator rights.
12. Backup your computer data .
13. Sign out (exit)
Especially for the facebookers the facebook from Internet cafes. Be careful when going round activity in the cafe. Make sure all your accounts in the computer is in the sign out (exit). I never opened a computer in a cybercafe and immediately found a facebook account that has not come out. Well you know, try it this time I intend ignorant, sure I had a random random-facebook account.

Just a reminder that playing facebook wanet never ticked the box remember password dialog on this computer. This also applies to all such accounts gmail or yahoo mail.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Facebook from your mobile carrier

Facebook from your mobile carrier .
Facebook zeroFacebook officially launched a new feature called Facebook Zeros. This feature is a minimalist version of the excess is no charge or free. But it applies only to certain operators who cooperate with Facebook.

What is the difference with
Zero facebook faster, because it only displays text only. And if you click the link to the photos then will be charged for internet data. So if only updates the status or reading without flipping through the photo would not cut off your pulse.

Zero To access this version go to:
* or
* (dot zero facebook dot com)

For usage of this function to the state you please confirm whether the operators Cellular Phone supports this feature or not.

The others info:

Upload a Photo | Take a Photo | Create an Album

Upload a Photo | Take a Photo | Create an Album.
You can Upload a Photo from your drive, take a photo with webcam and create an album with many photos.

Very easy to upload a photo into your Facebook, you can start, Firstly Login in your Facebook account and click Profile then Under Wall menu You can click a photo (at right Attach).

Create an Album
Well now you can also create albums for your pictures into Your Facebook acccount.

The Others information;

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to Create a Facebook Event

How to Create a Facebook Event .

Facebook provides event menu to its users in order to make it easier to schedule an event. This is another way to spread the kind invitation to make a lot of people at once.

Its function is still approximately the same as an invitation card that will be sent to your friends on facebook. The difference is, this invitation card sent electronically via Facebook. Obviously this method will save time and cost. (Effisient way to promote something)

Facebook Event
Click Picture to Zoom
The Procedures are:

1. Login to your facebook account
2. Click Events (under Messages)
3. Then click Create an Event

After that enter the event schedule as the event date, time, location, and anyone else who was invited in the event that you make it. If so, click Create Event. If you have, check the Home page that has been made then the event was going to appear.

In addition to this by allowing everyone to see, you can also invite certain people only. Good-hearted event

Others Advantages
If you're a businessperson, Benefits Create Event marketing can also help to promote your product.
Can disseminate information with a free event to all your facebook members.

---------------------------- Next

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to Create a Group on Facebook

How to Create a Group on Facebook .
Facebook is not only the usual social networking site, because the features are invested in Facebook very much. For instance make a group, Facebook provides the facility to create a group.

Usefulness of making groups is to create a community or a group of people who have hobbies, activities or other equations.

For those of you who own a business, the group could be a very useful tool for maintaining consumer and media promotion of its compact.

How to make a group very easily, here's an easy way to make a group on Facebook:

1. Log in to Facebook, then click the Groups link located on your Facebook account.
2. Click the "Create a Group". Fill in the name group who want to make the following description, type of group and other information on the fields.
3. Click the "Create Group" to begin to create a group.
4. Then you will be invited to send invitations to friends to join in the group that you created now. Choose friends who will be invited from your friends list, then click "Send Invitation".
5. Completed, your group has finished running and immediately online.

Others information:

Friday, August 13, 2010

How to Login to Multiple Accounts

How to Login to Multiple Accounts Simultaneously With One Browser Firefox

Do You have more than one Facebook account? You want to log into multiple accounts at once Facebook? No need to login to each account one by one, that old-fashioned way.

Now there are more practical ways to use the Mozilla Firefox browser, which makes you able to log into multiple accounts at once Facebook. Consider the following trick:

1. Close Firefox first.
2. Click the Start button, select Run and type: firefox.exe-ProfileManager.
3. Click Create Profile -> Next
4. Write the name of your new profile. His name is up to you.
5. Click Finish.
6. Create a new Firefox shortcut and give it another name.
7. Right click your icon, select "Properties" and add the following command at the end:-no-remote-p NamaProfil (NamaProfil is the name fit the profile that you created in step 4).
8. Finally : Click the "Apply"

Well now to test whether the settings that we make is successful, run-ons of the old and new. Then you login with a different account. If login successful, then you have successfully run Firefox in parallel. That is the trick.

Good luck.

ref : in fesbuk blog.

Others, read more:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adding facebook like this button

Adding facebook like this button .
As a blogger or webmaster, Facebook give simple way to create like this button on a blog or site. Adding like this button is the one of efforts to share the information of your blog to member of facebook readers.Adding facebook like this buttonSo, how to add facebook like this button?
Firsly : You are Log in to your blog.
then, In your dashboard click "Layout", then you open facebook plugins here :
Then, You will find the blank form. Fill as blog URL and other information is required. Finally Click Get Code. You can pun one appropriate code to add in your layout blog. Or you can
Or You paste the Facebook Like this button code Directly Above / Before
Form Like ThisAdding facebook like this button .

Others information.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Adding Social Media on a blog

Adding Social Media on a blog to distribute information on facebook etc.
Social media layout is important to distribute information to another person or colleague.
How to use social media layout on to blogger?

Adding Social Media on a blogFirst step, Login on Blogger.
Secondly, Add gadgets or you can browse by typing "Sociable" then Click Save Button if you found the gadget.

Have a nice blogging !

So, the appearance like the above picture.

You can settup the layout size.

Others :

Work At Home

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Block Facebook

How to Block Facebook in the Computer in order to not accessible. The reasons why The corporate environment or a particular office blocking facebook is ; Facebook's reduced work productivity when they use to inappropriate time. So, The Company blocks employee computers each deliberately blocked so that can not be accessed. The reason,

How to block Facebook in the computer is very easy:

1. Open window explorer

2. Click on C -> WINDOWS -> system32 -> drivers -> etc

3. Click on (2x) 'hosts', then open with notepad

4. Will emerge a kind of script, the last line is normally the six digit number, for example: Replace digits with: facebook

5. Save. Done. Try signed FB, if it still can be opened, restart your computer.


Others Face book info:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Join facebook?

How To Join facebook? ( explains)
First you must have an email before joining. Please getting your first. For example or etc.
To create an email open, or other email provider services.

Second; after you get an email, then you can open

How To Join facebook
1. Please Visit and fill in some of the questions under (red Circle) > Click Sign Up.
2. Then, you will be asked to type an existing drawing.
3. After that facebook will send a verification link to an email that you register on facebook. Please open your email and click the link provided from facebook.
4. Confirmation of a friend on facebook based on an existing email list in your email or pick up in the Skip this step
5. If you have another email please input, which allows you to find friends difacebook or feel free to skip this step
6. Fill with smu, university and workplace. Not all the emotion filled or please Skip this step
7. Facebook recommends some people you might know and could add as friend or please Skip this step
8. Please enter a city where you live
9. Please upload your images

Finish ...........
1. Open your facebook.
2. Enter the name of your friend or your friend's email address in place of the search.
3. Suppose we want to look for "Ben Johnson". Type Ben Johnson, continue to press enter.
4. Then, to add Ben Johnson as your friend. Click the Add as a Friend.

Other Informations

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Email Filter Report

There is one related questions about facebook email report:
What are filters that the message is forwarded to gmail is the only certain emails? Because yahoo email for facebook! My yahoo inbox until more than 2000 who have not read just from Fb (Facebook)!

Answer by Joko. S
About that one, set the notification via email from selected facebooknya necessities. Let you setup email notifications from facebook. Select the Settings -> Account Settings -> Notifications; and Select Notifications are an important sent.

Email Filter.


Is it important information?

Other facebook informations :

Friday, June 18, 2010

Add a friend on Facebook

Add a friend on Facebook, it is easy now. Nowadays do not need to enter the Captcha Code. Add as friend (enter) or add him as a friend Button > Send Request > Skip (or choose a photo for send suggestions). But you should to know him before if you want to add one new friend in your fesbuk account. Because if one of the add friend evil then it could endanger yourself as well. So, be careful adding a new friends.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Setup Privacy Controls

Setup Privacy Controls
Privacy Controls on Facebook
If you have the wrong setup in your Facebook Privacy Control, then this could endanger yourself. Information from your self and your friend can be misused by third parties who are not responsible in using cyber crimes. For that reasons, you can start setting up at the Privacy menu within your Facebook account correctly.


Knowing viruses on your Facebook

Knowing viruses on your Facebook

CAREFULLY! Virus & photos on your Facebook profile in your website ..

Common Interest - Self-help

The longer the virus and a scam is a problem in facebook.

when you get the message:

"Hey do u realize your face book picture is all over -link- OR
"Hey do u realize your photo is all over faceboook -link- OR
"Has anyone messaged youu to let you know your profile is being featured on image -link-"

CAREFULLY. Do not follow this link or try to log in with your facebook info. They can trace your personal information in this way. Then, You do not know to send the same message type to the wall all your friends. Thus the way this message to spread. Computer spiders call logs in your profile. The only way to stop this virus by way of careful and distribute warnings to the users facebook. After that, make sure you change the facebook login info (password)

So spread the news to your friends.

"INVITE all your friends to join in this group" so that your friend read this and help stop the spread of this virus.

You may also send a message to our performance is about information on this topic. also learned about the scam on the internet, read a lot about this, use anti-virus.

Be careful and use the Internet safely!

Source :

Statement from Facebook about Upload songs

Statement from Facebook about Upload songs

Most likely member of Facebook, this one has uploaded song files. So there must be permission from a third party once if you want to upload a song. (ref blog : fesbuk)

I confirm that under the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, I gave Facebook a royalty-free license nonexcludable and apply worldwide for use, reproduce, distribute, transmit, and generally plays the voice recordings that I upload to Facebook. I understand that I am fully responsible for all licensing, reporting and payment obligations, if any, to third parties.

I certify that I have the authority to license it to Facebook and that I have, or have been obtained from third parties as appropriate, all the rights that are required to facebook can use a voice recording that I upload, including the right of composing music and other copyrighted works contained in these sound recordings. I also declare that the use of sound recordings by the Facebook does not violate the rights of third parties, and agrees to defend and liberate the responsibility of Facebook, agents, and employees from any and all claims, liability, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees ) arising from or related in any way with the voice recordings. I'm not going to demand accountability for Facebook to third-party rights violations against a voice recording that I upload.

This is clear copyright infringement, therefore Mbah Djambrong will not be sharing songs on facebook ... We apologize for those who want to listen to sample songs from Mr Djambrong, We will share at another site. Thank You ..

Ref :

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to delete photos on my facebook tags

How to delete photos on my facebook tags .

ugly photo
Very often, I get the photos from other colleagues that have become Friend on Facebook, but unfortunately the photos I did not like and often sent to tag someone else. Photos are not liked here will be disturbing emails report constantly we accept that the tags from our other friend.

Some of colleagues us every so often to tag their very bad pictures in the tags to my facebook(ha ha, ..annoying)

Then, how do we can delete the photos tag arbitrarily into our account?
1. Login to Your Facebook Account.
2. Photos Menu.
3. Enter the Photo that You don't like it.
4. Click, remove tag.

That is so simple, so the way it is, we go into the photo to see photos of his.

Then, at the bottom of the photo that reads "In This Photo" find our names and after See you select the words "Remove Tag" then click "Remove Tag", that is finished (See in the red circle picture). So The images are already in the tags to we're not going to appear again.

Easy, It isn't right? Come on, save a photo album on your facebook from ugly pictures.

Do your friends ever get bad Photos like that?


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sell Virgin girl on the Internet?

Sell Virgin girl on the Internet So Trends in the Digital Era? So, be careful it can happen to your daughter.

It also included on the member of facebook (not fesbuk) many events like this which is disguised from its members. So they disguise for human this illegal activity.

A desperate girl offered her virginity on online advertising sites. Allegedly the proceeds will be used for college.
It also Included on facebook many events like this which is disguised from its members. So they disguise for human this is an illegal activity.

The girl who could not be identified, it put an ad on Gumtree site titled "Virginity for sale '. Action later spotted by a British tabloid reporter who then pretend to be businessmen and make the highest bid.

Through negotiation, the false businessman succeeded in getting the price of 6.000 Pounds or approximately USD 90 million. Before I met the girl said to continue to send a message containing its physical characteristics, including size bra. However, after the reporter said, the girl finally said he was only joking.

17-year-old girl had claimed that the money from the sale that her virginity will he use for college. "This money is to buy necessities in art education. While the rest for college where I want," he said.

Sales virginity is not such a strange thing in the online world. For example, a similar incident never dilakoni by Hong Kong teenagers. (HuffingtonPost / sec)

Adolescent Virginity Auction via Internet

A Hong Kong teenager makes tantrum because their reckless to sell virginity via the Internet. Some people have bid, with the highest price was observed to reach U.S. $ 7,800 or approximately USD 73.5 million.

This action attracted the attention of local police. The investigation was undertaken because of sex with minors is a crime under the law of Hong Kong.

According to police, as reported by AFP on Wednesday (16/12/2009), in advertisements on the site, the girl who claimed to remain anonymous desperate for money, so sell yourself with a minimum price of U.S. $ 1,300.

Advertising on the site do not include how old, but otherwise he was still a teenager. Approximately 100 people are tempted to make an offer, but before the auction ended, the girl suddenly stopped his intention and closed the ad.

Related to this case, the police posted a message on the site, so that the teenagers did not sell her body. "Somebody has to uphold moral values and respect for dignity," warned police in, aimed at students in middle school. (AFP / sec)

Source :

Monday, June 14, 2010


fesbok Fesbuk is the information Site that introducing information about Facebook and all its features. All information contained on Face book you can search through this fesbok site. Happy surfing.
