Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Email Filter Report

There is one related questions about facebook email report:
What are filters that the message is forwarded to gmail is the only certain emails? Because yahoo email for facebook! My yahoo inbox until more than 2000 who have not read just from Fb (Facebook)!

Answer by Joko. S
About that one, set the notification via email from selected facebooknya necessities. Let you setup email notifications from facebook. Select the Settings -> Account Settings -> Notifications; and Select Notifications are an important sent.

Email Filter.


Is it important information?

Other facebook informations :

Friday, June 18, 2010

Add a friend on Facebook

Add a friend on Facebook, it is easy now. Nowadays do not need to enter the Captcha Code. Add as friend (enter) or add him as a friend Button > Send Request > Skip (or choose a photo for send suggestions). But you should to know him before if you want to add one new friend in your fesbuk account. Because if one of the add friend evil then it could endanger yourself as well. So, be careful adding a new friends.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Setup Privacy Controls

Setup Privacy Controls
Privacy Controls on Facebook
If you have the wrong setup in your Facebook Privacy Control, then this could endanger yourself. Information from your self and your friend can be misused by third parties who are not responsible in using cyber crimes. For that reasons, you can start setting up at the Privacy menu within your Facebook account correctly.


Knowing viruses on your Facebook

Knowing viruses on your Facebook

CAREFULLY! Virus & photos on your Facebook profile in your website ..

Common Interest - Self-help

The longer the virus and a scam is a problem in facebook.

when you get the message:

"Hey do u realize your face book picture is all over -link- OR
"Hey do u realize your photo is all over faceboook -link- OR
"Has anyone messaged youu to let you know your profile is being featured on image -link-"

CAREFULLY. Do not follow this link or try to log in with your facebook info. They can trace your personal information in this way. Then, You do not know to send the same message type to the wall all your friends. Thus the way this message to spread. Computer spiders call logs in your profile. The only way to stop this virus by way of careful and distribute warnings to the users facebook. After that, make sure you change the facebook login info (password)

So spread the news to your friends.

"INVITE all your friends to join in this group" so that your friend read this and help stop the spread of this virus.

You may also send a message to our performance is about information on this topic. also learned about the scam on the internet, read a lot about this, use anti-virus.

Be careful and use the Internet safely!

Source : facebook.com/group.php?gid=68682358374

Statement from Facebook about Upload songs

Statement from Facebook about Upload songs

Most likely member of Facebook, this one has uploaded song files. So there must be permission from a third party once if you want to upload a song. (ref blog : fesbuk)

I confirm that under the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, I gave Facebook a royalty-free license nonexcludable and apply worldwide for use, reproduce, distribute, transmit, and generally plays the voice recordings that I upload to Facebook. I understand that I am fully responsible for all licensing, reporting and payment obligations, if any, to third parties.

I certify that I have the authority to license it to Facebook and that I have, or have been obtained from third parties as appropriate, all the rights that are required to facebook can use a voice recording that I upload, including the right of composing music and other copyrighted works contained in these sound recordings. I also declare that the use of sound recordings by the Facebook does not violate the rights of third parties, and agrees to defend and liberate the responsibility of Facebook, agents, and employees from any and all claims, liability, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees ) arising from or related in any way with the voice recordings. I'm not going to demand accountability for Facebook to third-party rights violations against a voice recording that I upload.

This is clear copyright infringement, therefore Mbah Djambrong will not be sharing songs on facebook ... We apologize for those who want to listen to sample songs from Mr Djambrong, We will share at another site. Thank You ..

Ref : facebook.com/note.php?note_id=305959608941

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to delete photos on my facebook tags

How to delete photos on my facebook tags .

ugly photo
Very often, I get the photos from other colleagues that have become Friend on Facebook, but unfortunately the photos I did not like and often sent to tag someone else. Photos are not liked here will be disturbing emails report constantly we accept that the tags from our other friend.

Some of colleagues us every so often to tag their very bad pictures in the tags to my facebook(ha ha, ..annoying)

Then, how do we can delete the photos tag arbitrarily into our account?
1. Login to Your Facebook Account.
2. Photos Menu.
3. Enter the Photo that You don't like it.
4. Click, remove tag.

That is so simple, so the way it is, we go into the photo to see photos of his.

Then, at the bottom of the photo that reads "In This Photo" find our names and after See you select the words "Remove Tag" then click "Remove Tag", that is finished (See in the red circle picture). So The images are already in the tags to we're not going to appear again.

Easy, It isn't right? Come on, save a photo album on your facebook from ugly pictures.

Do your friends ever get bad Photos like that?


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sell Virgin girl on the Internet?

Sell Virgin girl on the Internet So Trends in the Digital Era? So, be careful it can happen to your daughter.

It also included on the member of facebook (not fesbuk) many events like this which is disguised from its members. So they disguise for human this illegal activity.

A desperate girl offered her virginity on online advertising sites. Allegedly the proceeds will be used for college.
It also Included on facebook many events like this which is disguised from its members. So they disguise for human this is an illegal activity.

The girl who could not be identified, it put an ad on Gumtree site titled "Virginity for sale '. Action later spotted by a British tabloid reporter who then pretend to be businessmen and make the highest bid.

Through negotiation, the false businessman succeeded in getting the price of 6.000 Pounds or approximately USD 90 million. Before I met the girl said to continue to send a message containing its physical characteristics, including size bra. However, after the reporter said, the girl finally said he was only joking.

17-year-old girl had claimed that the money from the sale that her virginity will he use for college. "This money is to buy necessities in art education. While the rest for college where I want," he said.

Sales virginity is not such a strange thing in the online world. For example, a similar incident never dilakoni by Hong Kong teenagers. (HuffingtonPost / sec)

Adolescent Virginity Auction via Internet

A Hong Kong teenager makes tantrum because their reckless to sell virginity via the Internet. Some people have bid, with the highest price was observed to reach U.S. $ 7,800 or approximately USD 73.5 million.

This action attracted the attention of local police. The investigation was undertaken because of sex with minors is a crime under the law of Hong Kong.

According to police, as reported by AFP on Wednesday (16/12/2009), in advertisements on the site hkmensa.net, the girl who claimed to remain anonymous desperate for money, so sell yourself with a minimum price of U.S. $ 1,300.

Advertising on the site do not include how old, but otherwise he was still a teenager. Approximately 100 people are tempted to make an offer, but before the auction ended, the girl suddenly stopped his intention and closed the ad.

Related to this case, the police posted a message on the site, so that the teenagers did not sell her body. "Somebody has to uphold moral values and respect for dignity," warned police in hkmensa.net, aimed at students in middle school. (AFP / sec)

Source : sukses-uang.blogspot.com/2010/01/gadis-jual-perawan-di-internet-jadi.html

Monday, June 14, 2010


fesbok Fesbuk is the information Site that introducing information about Facebook and all its features. All information contained on Face book you can search through this fesbok site. Happy surfing.
