Friday, January 14, 2011

10 State of The Most Facebook users in the World

10 State of The Most Facebook users in the World.
Fesbuk today's diary views the data record from that the 10 state had having the top statistic facebook user are:

No. Country | Users | Growth | Pen
1. United States 146 591 880 -213 120 -0.15% 47.25%
2. Indonesia 33 920 020 +2 135 940 +6.30% 13.96%
3. United Kingdom 27 545 920 -1 274 740 -4.63% 44.18%
4. Turkey 24 788 400 +644 420 +2.60% 31.86%
5. Philippines 20 802 540 +1 900 640 +9.14% 20.82%
6. France 20 271 860 -197 560 -0.97% 31.30%
7. Mexico 18 830 960 +587 880 +3.12% 16.74%
8. India 18 818 720 +1 902 820 +10.11% 1.60%
9. Italy 17 753 040 -59 760 -0.34% 30.56%
10. Canada 16 636 880 -885 900 -5.32% 49.28%

By gender, male users more dominant in Indonesia, which is about 18.7 million (59.1 percent), than women in number is estimated around 12.9 million (40.9 percent).

Meanwhile, based on age, age range 18-24 years is the largest, ie, 13.1 million users (41.5 percent). Followed by adolescents 14-17 years age range of 8 million users (25.4 percent), and age range 25-34 years amounted to 6.8 million users (21.6 percent). The rest, not more than 20 percent.

For the 35-44 year age range, users around 2 million users (6.2 percent). While the 44-54 year age range, there are about 525 thousand users (1.7 percent), equivalent to an age range 55 and above, about 500 thousand (1.7 percent). User portion of children, or 13 years and under, accounting for 615 thousand (1.9 percent).

Most of the above cited data from CheckFacebook. However, CheckFacebook not affiliated with Facebook. Every day, CheckFacebook publish data reported from advertising tool up to help marketers and research institutions to understand how the up scattered around the world. Than that expected Fesbuk (up) can provide even greater contribution to all walks of life.

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