Friday, December 24, 2010

Block a facebook User

Block a facebook User.(fesbuk). Do You want to black list someone on facebook?
All right, same time we ever had a bad friend. Now You can block or black list them in order you can feel comfortable to use fesbuk. Read First :

Block a facebook User
Follow the step bellow :

Sign in on Facebook first.

Block a facebook User

1. On the Top Right side Account tab, Select Settings> Privacy settings.

2. Bottom there is a box and please enter name of the person who will be blocked (can who've become friends or not friends). You can block them by using his name or email.

3. Enter the button : Block This User.

Now, enjoy and happy forever on fesbuk.

Other Topics:

How to Quit a Facebook Group

How to Quit a Facebook group. Yes I want leave a certain uncomfortable group from fesbuk.
Have we ever felt uncomfortable in a group? or We frequently get Emails like SPAM like that?
Read Chat On fesbuk by group first.

Facebook Group
Well then we'd love to get out of the Group is in Group fesbuk that we follow.
Facebook tricks to get out of a group are:

Make sure you have been in the page group would you remove from your list.
Enter Leave botton to Exit from the Group menu in the upper right page.

Then will come out the confirmation box, Are you sure want to leave this group? This will also prevent members from re-adding you.

If you ever want to rejoin, visit the group and click Ask to Join Group.
Then Choose "Leave Group" Botton if it will come out of the group.

So, Try it!

Other Topics :

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chat On fesbuk by group

Chat On fesbuk by group.
Fesbuk (Facebook) provide benefits one of which is to chat up. This can only be a private chat or one by one at a time only. But now there are facilities where users can chat togather in a group. You can make small groups among users of Facebook, which is on your friends list. So it's not a big group where everyone can join. This is the group that only we can make with friends on our friends list. Well it's rather difficult to explain.

To avoid confusion please direct practice below:
1. Please go
2. Then create a group for example called: colleague.
3. Group settings can be made open, closed or secret.
4. Add friends you want to enter in the group.

Once completed you can chat with all friends which was included in the group. Besides it can also share the status, image etc in the page group earlier. If the set is closed then one can read only those listed in the group, your other friend can not read the contents.

It's just a chat group (such as in MILIS) The Important Things you should know to keep COMFORTABLE FESBUK FACILITIES these are attantion, please.

- This group will generate a notification if any new posts or comments in the group
- If you are disturbed by such notification then you can make arrangements through the panel EDIT SETTINGS / Edit SETTINGS, then Change the setting "Notify me Pls / Let me know if" to "ONLY POST I AM SUBSRIBED TO / SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGES ONLY.
- Setting at this point and the only turn off the notification group does not make you leave the chat group. But if you want to get out of this chat group you can exit through the panel on the right Leave GROUP / OUT OF GROUP

CONFERENCE (Group chat)
If you are Online CHAT then you can chat in a CONFERENCE with fellow party members who are online, although not yet be Friean your FB. (BELOW RIGHT)

You can send comments, topic / new THREAD, photos, videos, etc.. (Read:The Spirit Fesbuk)

Commenting PACKAGES
if you want to comment on posts, after writing your comment and then PRESS ENTER to next to.

you can also invite friends to join the panel on the right to ADD FRIENDS GROUP / ADD SOME FRIENDS TO GROUPS.


It make more comfortable with fesbuk !!!

Next On Fesbuk :

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Facebook & Skype Create Video Call ?

Facebook & Skype Create Video Call ?

Hello Fesbuk Mania,
Facebook & Skype strengthen cooperation to facilitate the fesbuk user to use contact with the video and sound.

Facebook users will be mengirimka short messages, chat, and video chat with their friends via the Skype network. The news circulating the cooperation will be realized this week.

Facebook & Skype

If implemented, this is a new threat to Google, which now continues to build its own social networking platform that Google's Gmail Buzz. ComScore survey results for August show, American Internet users spent over 41.1 billion minutes to use up. Lower figure that is 39.8 billion minutes of fiddling with Google.

Party up and Skype has not been willing to comment on this. However, citing sources who were directly involved in this partnership, the Wall Street Journal said, the certainty they join the end result can be seen from the Skype program development 5. Skype is free Internet telephone network provider to fellow Skype. Skype also provides communications services to a home phone or cell phone with very cheap rates.

If this is realized, it means either good news the fesbuk mania to contact his friend could use the video call which is very cheap cost. (Read: The benefits of Facebook )

Another Source:

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