Thursday, March 17, 2011

Renting Movies Through Facebook

Renting Movies Through Facebook.
The the world company film, given the decline in DVD sales and also spectacle at Cineplex Cinema, then glanced at another marketing strategy. Thus, How to broadcast profitable movies. Fesbuk is the best one to promote the movies.

Warner Brothers is ready to try a new scheme about renting a movie. The plan Warner Bros. films can be rented through the site up. The film which will be installed as an experiment is The Dark Night Returns, which is ranked the seventh film in a profit of all time.
This scheme will show the film can be rented for $ 3 dollars. Yes, this is indeed the new plan will be implemented in America. But that does not mean not going to get to Indonesia. Given up page sequel to Batman was getting 3.9 million "likes". And users up Indonesia is the second most in the world. (R. Adrian)

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Setting Privacy Email on fesbuk

Privacy Settings Email on fesbuk. You show up or hidden will of you email account.
How to hide this email address at least we can be comfortable with some of the actions of people who like abuse in the fesbuk email. Because of several changes the look and privacy settings on Facebook, a tutorial on how to Settings Privacy Email fesbuk always follow the latest updates. (Read also: How To Change Username Facebook)

Setting Privacy Email
Privacy Settings Email on fesbuk are:

1. Login up first.

2. At the top right, select the Account tab »Privacy Settings
Facebook Account Tab.

3. Privacy Settings page will appear, then click the Customize settings
Privacy Settings page up.

4. In the Contact information, customized email by clicking the tabs at the top right of your email by selecting Custom.
Customize Settings Contact Information up.

5. Custom display appears Privacy. Then, on the part These people, select only me and click the Save Settings button. Done.
Custom Email Privacy up.

Now e-mail you on Facebook can be hidden without anyone can see it.

By Using a certain way is actually the way it has not hidden the email up privacy for some people! Other people can still break up the these hidden emails. How to look up a hidden email is very easy to do without having to login to Facebook at all.

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